Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Remove the Germs......They are just nasty

Here we are dun dun dun duuuuu TEAM US....well US Fitness. We are one woman and two men who find health and fitness interesting in different manners. We all are a part of a larger group of individuals that have different topics for our class. Yes if you must know we are all COLLEGE STUDENDTS; which means we is smart (catch the joke?)
Our main goals here are to both give and gain advice, opinions, facts and education about health and fitness. Our first post is going to be simply about GERMS...lol got your attention?

Germs ladies and gentlemen are everywhere during every season of the year; some just more than others depending on the season. As children we were taught to wash our hands and sadly enough some people have forgoten that rule, JUST SAD. Our hands have the most contact with germs so why wouldn't we try to keep them especially when they touch everything else, such as friends, phones, doorknobs, oh yea and FOOD. For the poeple that are Gym Rats here is a rule or two for you. 1-HAVE A TOWEL. Is it soooo hard to just have a towel, it doesn't matter if you sweat a lot or a little no one wants to wear your sweat as a colounge/perfume.....its just gross. 2-WIPE OFF YOUR EQUIPMENT WHEN YOU ARE DONE. Once again its not hard the gym provides rags and cleaning spray.......30 seconds and BAM right back to your workout.

Here is the end I hope that you all can take heed to what is written because much like US no one enjoys being sick. SO HERE IS TO A HEALTHY JUMP ON THE YEAR.....CHEERS!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Here's an article about----GERMS IN THE GYM! aaahhhhh


    What are your thoughts about GERMS IN THE GYM! or just germs in general?
